Near term objectives: Development of the fundamental building blocks of quantum computing for problems in high energy physics that are beyond the reach of classical computing, such as real time evolution and calculations with sign problems encountered in:  

• lattice gauge theory,  

• holographic approaches to strongly coupled systems.  

The study of entanglement, approximate conformal symmetry and renormalization group flows in simple low dimensional models will be examined first and the results of those investigations will form the basis for the study of more complex models with higher numbers of dimensions.


Long term goals: Development of scalable quantum codes in four space-time dimensions relevant to:  

• the evolution of hadrons in collider experiments (jet physics),  

• the early universe,  

• new models in quantum gravity and theories that go beyond the standard model of particle physics. 


Synergies of the consortium: Overlapping expertise in quantum computing algorithms, gauge-gravity duality and lattice gauge theory.  


Potential quantum simulation experiments: Implementations using cold atoms is an unexplored direction for high-energy physics models and there is an open area that could be filled in our National Laboratories.